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West Hill Reservoir
City of Kent

Kent, WA


Reservoir, Water, Stormwater, SCADA

In 2018, RH2 began assisting the City of Kent with evaluating proposed sites and reservoir alternatives to accommodate growth in the West Hill Operating Area beyond the 20-year planning period. Along with the 5.0 MG reservoir, the project also includes a booster pump station that will be connected to the reservoir by a 16-inch transmission main. These facilities will improve the water supply and water pressure for firefighting and other water service needs in the West Hill area, where existing capacity no longer satisfies current safety standards.

Our team performed hydraulic analyses to confirm the size and determine the location of the proposed reservoir. During this phase, we also calculated the required dimensions and storage capacity for the proposed West Hill Reservoir based on various reservoir styles, including standpipe, composite, elevated, and spheroid. We prepared conceptual planning‑level cost estimates for the various reservoir styles and dimensions, performed site visits at the potential reservoir locations, and assisted with public outreach. We also performed shadow analyses to show the areas that may be affected by the height needed for this reservoir. With RH2’s 3D digital models and presentation materials showing the conceptual alternatives, the City was able to show the various perspectives of the proposed reservoir and site layout to stakeholders and City Council.

During preliminary analyses, it was determined that the reservoir would have a sub-surface concrete foundation, with the above-grade portion of the reservoir constructed of steel. The reservoir is approximately 165 feet in height and 79 feet in diameter. Our team prepared a Project Report for Department of Health Approval and assisted with the permitting, including construction-related permits required to build the reservoir and accessory buildings. RH2 recently completed the final design and bid-ready construction contract documents, plans, specifications, and construction cost estimates within budget.

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