Water System SCADA Replacement
City of Roseburg

Roseburg, OR
SCADA, Water
RH2 was originally selected in 2014 to produce a SCADA master plan for the City of Roseburg’s water distribution system and water treatment plant (WTP). The City’s existing SCADA system was originally installed in the early 1990s and most of the SCADA system technology was based on obsolete Texas Instrument/Siemens technology that was no longer supported or readily available. There was virtually no local support in southern Oregon due to the age of the system and the proprietary nature of some of the equipment.
In 2017 and 2018, RH2 designed and developed a new SCADA system for seventeen water distribution system facilities. These facilities originally used RTU devices that were monitored and controlled by the City’s WTP control system. The facilities had to be upgraded before the WTP control system could be replaced. The water distribution facilities were upgraded with the latest Allen-Bradley-based controllers, and they now communicate over a broadband 4.9GHz radio network. The SCADA computer system consists of a distributed redundant Allen-Bradley-based server system with a three screen HMI workstation system located at the WTP. The SCADA server system can withstand multiple system failures and continue to operate. Operators have access to system alarms and status through a smart phone application.
This year, the City’s Winchester WTP control system will be replaced with a large Allen-Bradley-based control system. This upgrade will occur without any down time of the WTP by phasing treatment systems from the old control system to the new control system. Two additional large screens will be added to the HMI system at the WTP as part of this project.