McKittrick Street and North Wenatchee Avenue Signalization, Pedestrian, and Median Improvements
City of Wenatchee

Wenatchee, WA
The City of Wenatchee identified the need for a signal at the intersection of McKittrick Street and North Wenatchee Avenue (SR 285). During the preliminary design phase, a traffic study was prepared for the intersection improvements, it became evident that a broader transportation study was needed for the entire North Wenatchee Avenue Corridor. The new study would determine the placement of other signals and identify other improvements to increase traffic flow along the corridor.
The City put the McKittrick signalization project on hold and the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council authorized a study of North Wenatchee Avenue corridor. RH2 assisted the City and Transpo Group with the public outreach and project definition portions of the study. After holding many public meetings and identifying intersection alternatives, the City adopted the North Wenatchee Avenue Transportation Master Plan in 2011. The Master Plan identified the McKittrick signalization project as a viable project, and RH2 resumed the process of identifying right-of-way needs.
The intersection is currently a “T” intersection, but the City and RH2 have been working with property owners on the east side of North Wenatchee Avenue to provide an option for future access to the signal. An open house was held to communicate options to the public and obtain feedback on access alternatives. The City will need to acquire right-of-way for this access alternative. The project is located on SR 285 and has required coordination with WSDOT to address any of their concerns.
This project is a good example of working through a public process that involves the City, state, and local agencies, as well as surrounding property owners to arrive at a solution. Coordination has continued with all the stakeholders throughout the duration of the project.