Falcon Ridge Lift Station Replacement and Force Main Improvements
City of Renton

Renton, WA
Wastewater, Electrical, SCADA
RH2 assisted the City of Renton with replacing the Falcon Ridge Lift Station due to the existing facility reaching the end of its useful life. The project also included improvements to the existing force main, and demolishing portions of the old lift station and re-purposing other portions. The existing wet well was converted into a gravity manhole and rock trap at the very end of the project to help minimize temporary pumping during construction.
During design there were pressure anomalies in the system, so we performed additional hydraulic analysis to understand the pressure fluctuations in the force main. It was determined that there was an air bubble at the highest point of the force main. RH2 worked with the City crew to provide temporary relief for the air bubble while designing a permanent air release valve vault. We also worked closely with the City regarding the sizing of the proposed wet well and future operations of the lift station. RH2 prepared construction documents for the new lift station and force main improvements, assisted with permitting applications, and provided services during bidding and construction.