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Bellefield Sewer Pump Station
City of Bellevue

Bellevue, WA


Wastewater, Electrical, Structural, Environmental

The Bellefield Sewer Pump Station, Bellevue’s largest sewer pump station, was built in the early 1980s and was reaching capacity with a flow of 2,800 gpm. Bellevue's 2002 Sewage Comprehensive Plan identified a need for additional capacity with flows up to 8,000 gpm to accommodate future growth in Bellevue’s central business district.

RH2 assisted Bellevue to examine five sites for the proposed pump station. The site selected has low street visibility and the lowest anticipated construction cost. The new pump station includes a wet well, and an above-grade building that houses mechanical, odor control, pump maintenance room, and electrical equipment and controls. It also includes four submersibles non-clog sewer pumps with the capacity to add a fifth pump in the future. The pumps can be removed from the wet well using a crane. Bellevue chose an outdoor rated emergency power generator. This project also includes the construction of approximately 2,500 lineal feet of sewer force main.

RH2 worked closely with Sound Transit and Bellevue to coordinate the design of the utilities, site grading, and wetland mitigation to minimize the construction cost for both parties. RH2 also coordinated with other city consultants who were selected to design the upstream gravity sewer main.

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