Aplets Way Roundabout
City of Cashmere

Cashmere, WA
RH2 completed the City of Cashmere’s first roundabout. This effort had several unique design and construction considerations. The project was originally funded as a signalized intersection to improve the intersection of Aplets Way and Cottage Avenue. During the design analysis, RH2 developed alternatives for the City and public to consider. The existing intersection was a carryover from the original Highway 2 running through the heart of downtown Cashmere where all approaches stopped for the west to south left turn movement. This created an unconventional intersection that often times confused drivers.
After reviewing traffic counts, it was apparent that the west to south movement was no longer dominant to the other approaches. In fact, it was a nearly equal split among all approaches which is perfect for a roundabout. However, we needed a design that could fit within the existing intersection footprint due to the adjacent buildings. There is also a major freight user on this roadway that would be severely impacted if any movements through the intersection were impeded. The final solution was a fully mountable roundabout. After considering the data and reviewing the concept, the City unanimously voted in favor of a mountable roundabout over all other options. This was certainly met with skepticism by some in the public. The City felt that there was still enough support to move forward and constructed the roundabout in the fall of 2015.
After just a week of being open, several of those who were adamantly opposed to the roundabout have already seen the roundabout’s benefit to move traffic and complimented the City and project team on the success of the project.
Other project elements included water, sewer, pavement preservation, and ADA upgrades. This project was split into two phases to include a TIB-funded portion and a federal STP funded portion.
Click the link in the photos above to check out a video of the completed project!