In late fall 2022, the City of Talent finished construction for the West Valley View Road Improvements project. RH2 Engineering led the design to upgrade the pavement, enhance aesthetics, install low impact development stormwater treatment facilities, and improve non-motorist safety.
West Valley View Road is the main gateway into the City, and repaving was overdue. The project was a part of the City’s Transportation System Plan Update and was funded by the City, the Oregon Department of Transportation, and a small grant from Rogue Valley Sewer Services.
RH2 developed the design that improved bicyclist and pedestrian safety, beautified the City, and protected the environment. Throughout the project, RH2 coordinated input from City staff, Rogue Valley Sewer Services, and local property and business owners to successfully address community concerns.
RH2’s curbed bioswale design mitigated stormwater runoff to treat the volume of water before it discharged back to Wagner Creek, Bear Creek, and Rogue River. The bioswales also provided a buffer for bicyclist and pedestrian safety and included a mid-block crossing at Wagner Creek with flashing beacons that alert motorists to pedestrians crossing the road. Another advantage of the project was that the bioswales were specifically designed to allow emergency vehicles and fire trucks to straddle these facilities in an emergency without hampering vehicular travel lanes.
Beyond improving safety and cleaning stormwater, the project relocated driveways to improve traffic flows, conform to Americans with Disabilities Act requirements, and upgrade the City’s water main for future development, all elements that help surrounding businesses.
Prior to construction completion, RH2’s Project Manager Tyler Duncan gave an overview of the bioswales for a group of local leaders representing various community enhancement groups, state officials, and other citizens from Rogue Valley communities.
The City, RH2, and other involved agencies worked closely to successfully bring these upgrades to our local community with consideration for many modes of transportation, local businesses, and the environment.
To learn more about the project, check out the article “Bioswales Protect Bicyclists, Clean Stormwater, and Beautify Town” that was published in the 2022 Early Fall Edition Newsletter for the Jackson County Community Long-Term Recovery Group.